01) Starland
"Starland" is a track Bill composed and recorded exclusively for the Sara's Hope Foundation. The charity's aim was "to provide holiday breaks for children living with cancer, giving them smiles, hope, and precious memories". Fans could download the song in return for a modest donation to the charity.
Starland was announced by Nelson on the day of release, an especially poignant date, as it was the 12th anniversary of Sara Hoburn's passing.
Currently unavailable but may be made available again as a charity download at some point.
"It began life as a backing track for this year's Nelsonica solo live performance but I've overdubbed guitars onto it and it's turned into a very nice instrumental piece with a similar vibe to "For Stuart". Those of you who like "For Stuart" will definitely enjoy "Starland" too!"
"I know that as many of you as possible will support Sara's Hope Foundation and help bring a little sunshine into the lives of children, (and their families), who are suffering as a result of cancer."