My brother said the piece is like a movie within a movie. And my wife said I should add one new quirky idea... so in the end, some changes were in store. Now I admit it does look like a movie and Bill is given more prominence, which I think he deserves for having written the piece. I honestly can't see any more changes.
I have already mentioned my feelings on how this movie portended the future when it was made. Furthermore, I'm starting to see our current situation quite differently from maybe a month prior. Good talk with Tourist about some of our oppressive conditions being imposed by globalist actors who are not our elected officials. However, this is quite natural and common in history where a strong non-governmental force dominates a territory, and you can see that with the Hudson Bay Company in Canada and Eat India Company in China. Now the globalists want to dominate everything, but perhaps there is something more sinister. With the increase in UFO sightings and recordings that have gone public, one can speculate that possibly the globalist agenda is actually serving the interests of space aliens that want to dominate the earth. The globalists may actually be aliens in disguise or human collaborators like the French Vichy Government that were sympathetic to the Nazis. In that case, I can understand why they want us to eat bugs. Bugs are not only cheaper but perhaps bugs are also what the aliens eat. Then world domination by aliens could actually be like the bad John Carpenter film They Live. Human history could devolve down to a John Carpenter movie or the 1980s TV series V. Maybe the big push in Climate Change has something to do with conditions on earth (a surplus of CO2) that make living here uninhabitable for aliens. Maybe COVID shots were a preparation to weaken our natural immunity or inject us with something that will make us compliant in the future. We don't know what is up, except that there is a lot of fraud and lying by world governments and mass media. So, I'm just saying that there may be more to the big picture than what we are seeing. I hope none of this is the case, and we can reduce everything down to the typical failing and foibles of human nature. But maybe it is not that either...
So here is the director's cut of SHINE 2023.