This is a further elaboration of SHINE in our new DARK AGE. Life in the Air age was something grand and dark, but now we have Life in the AI (r)age which is also grand and Dark. Are we any further ahead? With the Bible, you can pick it up and relate to the same perennial dark problems that have perplexed, vexed, and confounded men since the beginning of time. This is a testament to our times and our untimeliness. SHINE is no different. Today we still look through a glass darkly and see how dark and unfathomable our modern times have become.
This version of SHINE is the next installment to a fuller picture. The piece is not finished in the slightest degree. This is the second draft and our good friend Bill Nelson makes a guest appearance. More work and refinement are needed, and I wish Bill would have done this back in 1977. Rather than just give us the music, I wish he would have given up his grand vision using scenes from Fritz Lang's Metropolis. My work now would be done... no need to elaborate on anything. Alas, it was not meant to be. So I struggle with this, grope to some unknown end, hopefully... to some radiant sunburst finish.
I have to let this version sink in before I make changes. The change will come, maybe a better soundtrack and a colorized version. We will see...