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Arcadian Salon

Bill Nelson

album - 14 October 2006

Arcadian Salon - Cover
Arcadian Salon page 2
Arcadian Salon page 4



01)  Premium Standard No.1

02)  The Girl In The Galaxy Dress

03)  Take It Off And Thrill Me (Jazzy Option)

04)  Memory Skyline

05)  Distant Town With Different Lights

06)  The Song My Silver Planet Sings

07)  Spaceport

08)  Superadventure (Sound-On-Sound)     

09)  Playful     

10)  Transparent Towers At Dusk     

11)  El Swingo Collapso

12)  The Rest Of The World Rolls By

13)  Wind Chimes Of Memory

14)  Take It Off And Thrill Me (Rock Option)

15)  Sequinned Skeleton Blues

16)  Snow Is Falling

17)  A Buddha For My Brother


Arcadian Salon is an album mixing vocal and instrumental pieces issued exclusively for Nelsonica '06 in the then customary limited pressing of 500 copies on the Discs of Ancient Odeon label.

As soon as Nelsonica was over the remaining 250 or so copies of Arcadian Salon were sold through SOS, and on 25 October 2006 (11 days after release at Nelsonica) an announcement was made on the Dreamsville Forum that the album had completely sold out. The frenzied speed at which this title went out of print, together with some intense feelings expressed by members on the forum, would lead to a change of policy for the following year's convention CD.     


Available for purchase as a digital download here in the
Dreamsville Store.



"The first six tracks are all from the Return to Jazz of Lights sessions and have a very jazzy feel. I couldn't find space for them on that album so they are presented here instead."



On the digital reissue: "I haven't listened to Arcadian Salon for several years, (due to my inescapable, constant, upward and onward work momentum,) but I have to admit to being somewhat astonished by the quality of the songs when listening to the album after its re-release in digital form. This is definitely an album I can feel proud of."



"For those of you who do not have this collection of songs for whatever reason, I HIGHLY recommend that you download it ASAP. I am a regular lurker on this board, and when I come out of cyber-hibernation it has to be for a good reason. This is definitely one of those occasions. Arcadian Salon is, in my humble opinion, in the top five of ALL of BN's releases (and I have been a follower since 1977). Each and every song grabs and stays with you. "The Girl in the Galaxy Dress" is gold.

"Both versions of "Take It Off" are excellent...This is truly an awesome song. In fact, the whole CD contains some of BN's finest guitar work bar none."

"You should be proud, Bill -- this collection is magical. As I said: DOWNLOAD THIS CD or forever regret it."


"I'd heard it for the first time...and it had that WOWEEEBLOODYHELL reaction. In fact, listening along we missed the turning on the A19 and ended up East of Ipswich, well, Wetherby."


"Arcadian starts off cool, jazzy and groovy becoming, stylistically, more rock/pop in the second half. There are so many instantly loveable tunes on this."

Radium Girl:

"The vocals on Arcadian Salon are absolutely stunning! Thank you Bill, the whole CD is just gorgeous!"


"Arcadian Salon has so many great tracks which have become 'standards' for me over the years..."The Girl in the Galaxy Dress" is simply stunning...utterly beautiful vocals/guitar/instrumentation...I never fail to be astonished by the qualities of this classic track.

"Transparent Towers at Dusk" is another track that hit with me soon after some repeated plays...and, of course, "The Song My Silver Planet Sings"...absolutely sublime!!!"


"Listening to "Take It Off and Thrill Me", "Memory Skyline" beginning...I'm so blown away!! OMG, it feels sooooo good!!  The vocals are very playful, very jazzy guitar, and the "flute"...I'm am sooo loving this!!!"


"Got a kick out of Kansas being mentioned in "Transparent Towers at Dusk". And love "El Swingo Collapso" after just one listen. Fabulous playing Bill. You could play alongside whatever musical hero you desire."


"Gotta say 'The Rest of the World Rolls By' is a 'corker' - gonna blast that one up in the car & drum the steering wheel 'till, well, the lights change!"


"Two classics on this one: "Memory Skyline" and "The Rest of the World Rolls By". Essential listening to these ears.
(oh yeah, don't forget "Snow is Falling"!)"


"Snow is Falling": "is a truly stand-out track, not just on this album, and the final "A Buddha for my Brother" is a very, very beautiful farewell gift to Ian. Oh, and GREAT cover design!"


"There is an emotional and profound communication going on here that hits a deeper note, simply because it is obviously straight from the heart - and not going through the filter of a jazz or any other kind of theme. Genius is effortless."

damien dale:

"Bill, this is with out a doubt one of your finest albums ever. Take it from your fans; we would not lie to you!

© Bill Nelson 2017 - 2025

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