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Forum Comments

In William's World
Jul 19, 2021
"In these pandemic times, human activity has been curtailed, and rightly so when considering the mortal threat posed by the Covid 19 virus. Of course, Emiko and I have had both shots of the vaccine, which has proved very successful in reducing the number of hospitalisations and deaths throughout the UK. Nevertheless, it’s still possible to become severely ill from Covid, even if you’ve had a double dose of the vaccine, so I’m somewhat concerned about the government’s plan to lift all restrictions next Monday, especially as I’m in the extremely vulnerable group due to age and pre-existing health conditions. Currently, the number of people infected is rising again, and very sharply too. Hospitalisation and deaths are also on the rise. This new ‘Delta’ variant of the disease is far more contagious than the original strain and now accounts for 99% of all new infections. And the more the virus remains in circulation, the more opportunities it has to further mutate, perhaps becoming more and more immune to the vaccine. Yet, even though restrictions are still in place right now, I see people acting with little or no regard to social distancing, hand sanitising or mask wearing in public. They seem to either think it’s all over or they’re totally ignorant of the dangers. The government are saying that when restrictions end on the 19th of July, the need to wear a face mask and continue social distancing will be down to individual responsibility, but they trust that the public will do the right thing. Well, I certainly wouldn’t bet on that. So Emi and I will continue to wear our face masks and try to stay away from crowded indoor gatherings. Better safe than sorry... " Hi Bill, A very refreshing and intelligent insight on the current situation. Please continue with your facemask/distancing/handwashing. As you say better safe than sorry. Be well, Roger
WILLIAM'S WONDERFUL WORLD OF GUITARS. (A personal series of six string sentiments...)
In William's World
Look at the state we're in...
In World Outside The Window
Return to Tomorrow Female Cover Image
In World Outside The Window
Apr 04, 2021
Not sure what that is meant to mean?
In World Outside The Window
Apr 03, 2021
Hi gang - I'm back! After getting some friends and family to look at this thread I have decided to come back and not be wound up (by Perfect Monster), or bullied off the forum. I did hope to resolve things with a private e-mail chat with John, but IMHO John cannot take constructive criticism re his moderation of the forum or doesn't like his opinion to be challenged. One thing that struck me is that John overlooked the comment about the moon landings that started the whole thing off and has sided with Perfect Monster since. Is this a fellow Yorkshireman thing, Freemasons together? Being surrounded by sycophants? Who knows??? Anyway I will repost my original posting to clarify some things that Perfect Monster challenged. I'm also going to start a thread about Freemasons on internet forums. Hopefully I should get a few comments from any women on the forum about an outdated, male only secret society designed to get favours from others. In the meantime I have asked friends and family to register with the forum to support me. They are not fans of Bill's, but then the World outside the Window is nothing to do with Bill's music. IMHO too many internet forums consists of horrible cliques and so I intend to redress the balance. May the battles commence!!! PS Brilliant to see that the Mighty Donald Trump is thinking of standing again :) Perhaps some of the forum members from the USA can explain what the procedure is if a president dies or becomes incapable in office? Also can a president be prosecuted for his dog repeatedly biting people?
In World Outside The Window


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