@Perfect Monster Hi PM, thanks for the comment on this one. That's interesting re 'So insane so in love' - the two tapes I have are, by the looks of it [the handwritten track listing] from different sources and 'Everybody's Clean in Paradise' was an opener as far back as 1973 but more relevantly on the Cockney Rebel tour which the band was fresh from at Sheffield. There's a set list from the tour in The Practice of Everyday Life booklet which has that as the opener and an otherwise near identical running order - with the exception of 'Affairs of the Heart' [anyone??]. That said I'm sure now that I've seen 'So insane so in love', a line from the song, on a different [Bill] handwritten set list somewhere. Another rummage required I think!
Yes, as expected Rob B on vocals for RC.
Someone will have that list ....