It seems that Bill is only actively posting to his Facebook page. I say 'seems' because it cannot be accessed without logging into Facebook.

Now, I have absolutely no intention of ever having a Facebook account. Even to keep up with Bill. The interweb and it's masters already know way too much about me. So, I am wondering if the posts can be embedded into Dreamsville? That way anti-social old gits, such as myself, can keep up to date without have to supply Meta with any more data about ourselves*?
* Probably too late. I expect Meta already knows everything about me 😪
Thanks, merikan1 for bringing this to our attention. I had assumed Bill was posting there, but didn't know for sure. There may be others on this website who were not aware either. From past comments, here and there, it seems we have many non-fans of Facebook here.
I'm sure Bill has his reasons for posting to Facebook, and I respect that. However, I am a bit disappointed that he hasn't been around Dreamsville. I don't post a great deal, but I'm usually here once or twice a day to keep up with things. I've tried to post more in recent weeks, but I really don't have as much to say as I used to. Some people around me probably appreciate that. 😉
I have a Facebook account that I started when Facebook first came about, but I've never really used it. It's just not something I've been able to get into. I'll probably log in occasionally to see what's up, but I do hope the more important announcements will continue to be posted here. 🙂
“Bill Nelson and Be-Bop Deluxe (Official Facebook Group)” gets much action ...
Announcements of new releases.