Managed to make one more drawing today but finding it difficult to see clearly. My eyes, it seems, are getting worse. Nevertheless, I got it finished and placed in a gold frame. Its titled 'Blue Star Guitar.'
Also decorated a Papier Mache mask, which I've signed and will offer for sale at 'Plectronica.' I now have 5 drawings and the mask ready for the event but still need to create and frame a few more drawings. I have two ceramic plates to decorate too.
Thought that my cold would lessen its grip on me today but, to be honest, it's probably worse than yesterday. Feeling flat and tired and have a very sore nose.
My son and daughter, (Elliot and Elle,) are coming over at 7:30 tonight for dinner, which should help lift my spirits a little. Emi is cooking a selection of fish and seafood and there is a wonderful aroma of garlic wafting up from the kitchen.
Replaced a broken string on my Musicvox Mi-6 guitar and will try to allocate it to one of the tracks I'll be performing at 'Plectronica.' With so many nice guitars to choose from it's difficult to settle on which ones will suit which tracks. I usually take a different guitar for each piece, and as there will be 14 tracks played live this year, that means choosing 14 guitars. I'll see if I can cut it back a little, maybe use one of the guitars on more than one number. My Gus G1 midi guitar might work on two of the 'Orchestra Futura' trio numbers. We'll see...
Was told today to expect a delivery of 288 copies of the 'Auditoria' triple album which I have to autograph. Quite a task in itself. These will be on sale at the event. Any unsold will be added to the remaining stock and will then be sold by mail order. (Though they won't go on sale until a couple of days after the event. Attendees get a pre-release, early purchase opportunity.)
I now have a half-hour before my insulin injection is due so I think I'll try to run a couple of the newer backing tracks and try out various guitars with them before Elle and Elliot arrive.

Really hoping they'll be copies of 'Auditoria' left for us overseas fans to purchase.