Another cold day. Minus 4 this morning, despite bright sunshine. The little oil filled portable radiator in my studio struggling to give out anything more than a mild background heat.
Emi and I are awaiting hair stylist, (and one time 'Gentleman Rocketeer' keyboardist,) Steve Cook arriving this afternoon to deal with cutting our hair. Last time we had our hair cut was early last October so we're both looking quite bedraggled. Looking forward to seeing Steve again.
My latest album release, 'That Old Mysterioso,' sold its last copy a few days ago. A very quick sell out which is good for all kinds of reasons, not least that it opens the way for further releases from the backlog of albums I've got waiting in the wings.
Next one up will be 'The Unrealist,' an instrumental album which began life with a couple of left-over tracks from 'Songs For Ghosts.' I then added to these and 'The Unrealist' was the result. The album has had its artwork completed and will be released as a digital download only on my Bandcamp page, probably at the end of this month.
Beyond that, I'm not sure which of the dozen albums completed should come next in the sequence. All but one were recorded last year and a couple the year before that, so I'll need to refresh my memory as to the style of music they contain. I like to maintain a reasonable amount of variation from album to album to keep things interesting, both for fans and myself.
Have been having further talks with Ian Haydock regarding the plans for a special 70th birthday event at The Clothworker's Hall late this year. Various things being discussed and put in place, including a possible 'Orchestra Futura' set, alongside my own solo set. Dreaming up a title for this event requires some thought...and my mind's been a bit of a blank on it so far. Some vague ideas but nothing I can reveal yet. Maybe soon though...
