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Updated: May 20, 2019

With 'Stand By: Light Coming and 'The Last Lamplighter' now mastered and awaiting 'post production', (artwork and manufacture,) I'm turning my attention to a project I've had in mind for some time now: A compilation album of some of my more Jazz inflected tracks, going back over the years. I've been thinking about making it a vinyl album but with an included download version that would contain much more tracks than can be fitted on a vinyl release.

However, I've had a word with John Spence about how the tracks might need to be mastered specifically for vinyl and it poses some problems. They would need to be sent to someone who is familiar with vinyl mastering and they would also need to be sent in a sort of 'virgin' state. This probably means not in digital form. But as my mixes are all made to digital, rather than analogue, this might prove difficult, plus, as it's a compilation, the tracks would be lifted from released CDs which obviously have already been mastered for that particular medium.

It would also be expensive, both to master and produce, and the demand for such an album on vinyl might not be so great, especially as the jazzier side of my music tends to appeal to a more specialised audience. I think pragmatism needs to be exercised here.

So...I'm now thinking of making this a download only album, perhaps a double as there are so many suitable tracks to include. It would also be good to get the album reviewed in Jazzwise magazine to try and introduce the music to more jazz oriented listeners. Over the last couple of days I've recorded two new tracks which I'll add to the project, both tracks fit the jazz/blues vibe.

Working title for this project? 'STYLUS.' Choosing the tracks and running order is no small job though. There's a surprising amount of jazz material in my back catalogue to choose from. Even tracks like 'Deeply Dazzled' and 'Dreamland Avenue' fit the remit. Jazz is a very broad church these days and my jazz tinted tracks range from melodic, swing style to more abrasive, avant excursions.

This is something I definitely want to do in an attempt to pull these tracks together and make a real statement about my love of jazz and its influence on my music. Well, let's see where it leads...

Podiatrist appointment tomorrow morning, way too early for me but it has to be done. Now I'm

switching off the studio for the night and going to try and watch some TV or a DVD.

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