Spent most of today over at my mother's in Wakefield, as we do every weekend, helping her weekly supermarket shopping expedition and spending time sitting in her lounge chatting about old times. My nephew Julian's wife, Lyndsey, was visiting with their two daughters, Bethany and Amy. Always nice to see them and, of course, the children were delightfully entertaining. My late brother Ian would have been so proud of them all.
Tonight has been taken up with emailing Theo Travis, Dave Sturt (and our possible 'mystery guest', ) information about the 'Plectronica' performance, including the set list and the keys of newer pieces.
I've also sent them mp3s of the backing track choices for them to consider. Amazing how long it takes to type out this sort of thing though. I'm sure it was quicker in the 'old days' when we simply picked up a 'phone and spoke directly.
Almost finished typing out the charts I'll be using for the live performance...just three more to go and then they can be assembled in a folder for referring to when I play. (If I can see them, that is.)
Emi and I are meeting a friend for lunch tomorrow at a relatively new eatery in town. Always a bit of a concern regarding my diabetes requirements but, hopefully, there will be something on the menu that will be suitable. It's sometimes depressing, having to be so careful about what I eat, but I have to keep in mind that doing so will possibly keep me on the planet a bit longer.
Got a fresh supply of Insulin from the local Pharmacy yesterday, plus some new needles for my daily injections. I jokingly refer to this as my 'fix' and myself as a diabetic 'junkie,' but, of course, it's not a joke at all, whether blighted by diabetes or a dangerous drug addiction.
There's a pragmatic acceptance of diabetes and its daily insulin injections, (which help to keep me alive,) but, on the other hand, heroin, by contrast, gradually drags people down into a self-destructive spiral that ultimately leads to oblivion. Drugs...some sustain and some destroy.
And that's all for tonight. Time to switch the studio off and attempt to sleep...

You can be forgiven for the junkie joke :)
The springs on the balloon vehicles the bears are riding in bring to mind Spring Heel Jack . They’re intending to stay aloft, those bears, no “coming down” for them .