Today I managed to decorate the Eastwood Classic 6 guitar that will be auctioned at 'Plectronica' in aid of 'Sara's Hope Foundation,' the charity I'm a patron of and which gives free holidays in Greece to families whose children are suffering from cancer. Mike Robinson of Eastwood very kindly donated the guitar for me to scribble on so that it can be auctioned at the December 1st event. The money it raises will all go to this very worthy cause. The charity was started by the Hoburn family who lost their daughter Sara to cancer some years ago. The charity is named after her and has helped give some respite to other families struggling to come to terms with the illness. I hope that one of my fans at the 'Plectronica' event will make a generous winning bid on this one-off instrument.
John Leckie arrives here tomorrow afternoon, in readiness for the filmed Cherry Red interview we're doing on Wednesday. We're having dinner together tomorrow evening which will be nice. Actually, I need to book a table at the village pub, must do that in a minute or two.
Fireworks going off all around at the moment, bangs and whooshes as neighbours do the bonfire night thing. I've kind of left all that behind though.
Making a change to the 'Plectronica' set list...I decided that I need just one more up-tempo number in the set, so I'm going to swap out 'The Eye Of Heaven Shines' for 'What Furnace Is Thy Brain' which is a bit more energetic.
Insulin injection time now, then a 'phone call to the village pub to book that table...


What a wonderful job on the decoration of this guitar. Someone is going to be extremely lucky to win this.
The decorations on the Eastwood Classic 6 look so cool . An already super-happening guitar is now also a magical and mystical one !