Things moving quite rapidly. I now have 15 tracks completed for the 'Old Haunts' album, all of which, (even if I do say so myself,) are sounding very good. In the main vocal-based, this is going to be one of those albums that I find personally satisfying, both from a conceptual and aesthetic point of view. I may yet create one more track though, a short instrumental to open the album.
Still need to tackle the problem of a running order, always a difficult and time consuming task, but hopefully will end up with one that works. The album will be released in November of this year and, all being well, will be the subject of a launch party event at The Clothworker's Hall in Leeds. The launch party will also feature a live instrumental set by myself. I have a couple of new guitars to show off, so that will be an added incentive for me to perform live one more time!
A little late to get preparations underway this year, but I'll try and come up with some new video and backing tracks.
I've been very lucky to be able to secure Gordon White's guitar tech talents for the event. Andy Newlove and Pete Harwood, who have both guitar-teched for me at different times in the past, were unavailable due to being out on tour so it was a bit of a worry. However, Gordon is now confirmed in the job and it will be great to work with him. He's a lovely guy and very professional.
My new Mac computer arrived yesterday, earlier than expected. This will form the 'brain' of my new recording system, once I've had chance to dismantle the old Mackie hardware and install everything. I'll only use the new computer for recording duties. Everything else will be done via my regular iMac.
Endured the dreaded eye-injections at the hospital the other day. Glad that's over with, though I'm back for more at the start of August.
Pre-orders of the 'Stand By: Light Coming...' album seem to be going well from what I've been told. Let's hope it continues. Jon Wallinger, who looks after my Dreamsville site for me, seems particularly enthusiastic about the album, (and its companion album, 'The Last Lamplighter.') Jon gets to hear the albums prior to release and he's a good indicator of how fans will react to a new piece of work.
Weather has been hot and sunny these last few days and even the Glastonbury Festival was spared ints usual annual mud bath. But, temperatures are on the rise all across Europe and the signs of global warming are ever more present. The UK has moved to reach zero carbon emissions by 2050 but some say this is not quick enough. There's a need for radical and fast change in terms of the energy we use if the future of planet Earth is to be one fit for humans and animals to live on. The evidence is overwhelming yet we still see short-sighted individuals such as Trump declaring the whole thing a 'Chinese hoax.' Some idiots should never be allowed near positions of power and influence. God knows we're in danger of being governed by a similar fool ourselves.
Almost 3pm and time for a little outside exercise. Need to get away from this computer screen for a while...All for now.
