A very busy Sunday trying to prepare for the stripping down of my studio in readiness for the installation of new equipment. Clearing some of the cables, FX units and related detritus from around the mixing desk area and putting over a dozen guitars back in their cases and finding places to store them has been quite a tiring, physical process.
One of the major tasks of the last few days has been the transfer of tracks from my one hundred and forty six DAT tapes to CDR to make up the correct running orders for the dozen albums I've got waiting for release. This is a slow and painstaking process, executed in real time, but necessary to get each album to flow correctly, or at least to my own satisfaction.
I've just now completed the running order for the 10th album in the series, but there are still two more remaining albums to assemble. Impossible to get these done now as my studio is set for dismantling tomorrow at noon and it's far too late, (and I'm far too tired,) to tackle any more work tonight. But at least the ten albums I have managed to sequence and copy to CDR will keep my output flowing whilst I get to grips with the new Cubase recording equipment that is about to be installed.
One of the albums I've been assembling has undergone a radical change: I had several tracks gathered together to use in an album titled 'Aqua Moon' but, when I got to grips with trying to sort out a running order for it I realised that the album title didn't really suit the music it was going to contain. So, the title 'Aqua Moon' has been set aside for possible future use and a new title has been coined for the material. The album is now titled 'Memory Loft.' This title suits the feel of the album much better.
There's plenty more that I could write about at the moment, but I'm exhausted from the day's work, so will switch off and try to reveal more next week.

I know you have so much going on Bill, but I hope those two remaining albums don’t get lost in the shuffle! That would be a tragedy. Good luck with the installation!