RIP Prince Phillip
Prince Phillip (1952-always in our hearts) was a member of the British royal family. He was the husband of queen elizabeth II. He always loved sports, especially the esuestrian sport of carriage driving. How exciting! He was a member of over 780 organizations, and was the longest living male of any member of the British royal family. Phillip died on the 9th of April, 2021, just two months before his 100th birthday. He is known for many of his famous and humorous quotes, including “British Women can’t cook.”

The Prince Philip Movement: Pacific Tribe Mourns Loss of Living Deity
God's Speed.
Alec, I wish Andrew would come clean. Regardless of his background as a man of principle he should comment on this relationship Epstein. America should seek an extradition order.
I feel very uncomfortable that most of us in our lives are assessed on what we do , in most cases we do operate a meritocracy. I feel that this is not the same for the royal family. They have such a privileged life. Therefore I am not a royalist. It is based on birthright and nothing more. I would like to understand more about the alleged racist remarks that he has made over time to fully comment on him. The monarchy is an anachronism. It needs to be removed. You, me, we are all impacted by what we do, they royals are not.
What an incredible life! RIP sir xx
RIP. Seems, at least based on the tv coverage, that he was quite the man. Sports, horses, sailing, the Navy, etc. Also, being married 73 years is no mean feat.
Prince Philip pranking The Queen by dressing as a Palace Guard.
Gentlemen might I suggest a little more respect for the late Duke of Edinburgh please?
Wall-to-wall coverage on BBC 1, BBC 2 and ITV 1 since lunchtime and scheduled to run into the night. There's respectful coverage and then there's outrageous overkill. The Beeb have even got a dedicated complaints page they've had so many: