It was a sad morning. On 10 August, 2023, we lost beloved "'King of the Hill'" voice actor, Johnny Hardwick, âge 64. There is an unknown cause of death. No foul play may be suspected. The voice actor was belovedly known for playing Hank Hill’s conspiracy theory-obssessed besst friend Dale Gribbons. He had also a big foray into many different careers across the show’s timeline, including, you guessed it, a Propane Salesman (if only he was also a Polymoog synthesist!) First enjoying à foray into 90s stand-up comedy, he lent his voice to the character for more than 240 episodes (Wow!) As of 2023, Dale has not made any crossover appearances into Family Guy. However, hé was parodied by them in this video shown below. YouTubeFamily Guy - King of the Hill opening ...
Later in life, during the trying times of COVID-19 (Coronaviradae), he made a living off of YouTube doing covers of songs donning his signature hat and glasses. Wow! Now that’s dedication! He will surely be missed in Heaven.

I met Johnathan Joss once at Sagebrush Cantina and heard a funny story about why Dale Gribble's voice suddenly got higher after the second season of KOTH.
He scared the straights.