I wonder if someone here can solve a puzzle that has been bugging me for a couple of years regarding a band's name and their song:
Early Seventies song I think (1972?) with a long dark haired female singer - could be the band in the photo I found with no name attached to it. I think they had one fairly big hit which is the song I can't recall.

Any ideas anyone?
Shocking Blue get played quite regularly on the oldies video channel here. I think that you will find that Venus was definitely their highpoint. On some of their tracks, like Send me a Postcard, they remind me of early Jefferson Airplane. A lot of the other tracks are simply dreadful. Railroad Man, Inkpot 😱 They do seem to have managed to have a 2cd Greatest Hits album. (I will have to check it out. I can't imagine that they had that many hits. However, the Dutch do love their own.)
Mariska Veres (the singer) died back in 2006.
Here's the search results from Yandex on uploading Paul's initial photo - all spot on (and each pointing back to site of origin). For future ref, I highly recommend it as a reverse image search engine - particularly good A.I. for faces and ambiguous images, etc. (Developed by Russian intelligence, it's rumoured, but publicly available). You click the little cross-hairs type icon in the search box for reverse image search (ie search by image).
Well that image you posted Paul, is Shocking Blue, as correctly pointed out by Palladium...They were a Dutch band from the era you mention, 1967-1974, but they really were quite big, selling over 13 million records, with around 20 singles released and 9 studio albums (more with variations)...Here's the Wiki link, which has quite comprehensive info.
The likes of Nirvana, The Prodigy and Bananarama (as in Venus, above), amongst others, have covered their songs....Seeing as you can't recall the name of the song you're looking for, I doubt it's Venus...but could be one of the others?
Shocking Blue - Wikipedia
Hi Paul - just done a quick reverse image search on Yandex, which comes back with Venus by Shocking Blue.