“Shock Theatre” was a hosted horror movie show with Ed Meloan as "Count Justin Sane" screening firstly on Saturday nights, then both Friday & Saturday nights on WRDW, Channel 12 in Augusta, Georgia between 1968 &1974. The coffin used on the show was made out of a couple of sheets of 3/4 plywood which was painted a dull grey. The handles did come from a real coffin. The inside of the “coffin” was lined with a wine-colored, very heavy cloth that had originally been one of the stage curtains of the old Imperial Theater.
I watched this show religiously when I lived in Augusta, GA.
Happy All Hallows Eve...
Basil Rathbone, Boris Karloff, Peter Lorre & Vincent Price.
Vincent Van Dahl, Tangella, and Mr. Livingston
Anne Rice...
Ivonna Cadaver...
Sammy Terry... a.k.a Samuel Terry (Ghoul).
Submitted for your approval...
Leopold and Lenora...
Valentine Dyall a.k.a. The Man In Black
[seen here as the Black Guardian]
“Shock Theatre” was a hosted horror movie show with Ed Meloan as "Count Justin Sane" screening firstly on Saturday nights, then both Friday & Saturday nights on WRDW, Channel 12 in Augusta, Georgia between 1968 &1974. The coffin used on the show was made out of a couple of sheets of 3/4 plywood which was painted a dull grey. The handles did come from a real coffin. The inside of the “coffin” was lined with a wine-colored, very heavy cloth that had originally been one of the stage curtains of the old Imperial Theater.
I watched this show religiously when I lived in Augusta, GA.