Just in case you are looking for something a bit different than a shot of Jamesons, a green beer, a Guinness or an Irish Coffee to celebrate with today 😁
We have had several of these in the past. I can recommend the Detroit Athletic Club, Dublin Minstrel, Blackthorn Irish (you can use pastis instead of Absinthe), Irish Maid (great summer cocktail).
I think tonight, we will go with a Brainstorm or a Parle-vous Irish. We have not had either of these as far as I can recall. (Too many cocktails under the bridge to be sure.) I will let Linda decide.
If you are just going with a whisky, may I suggest Powers Johns Lane 12 year old or maybe one of the new Waterford releases? All far superior to a standard Jamesons (best for cocktails).
Whatever you do today, enjoy. (Any excuse heh? 😁)
We went with the Parle-Vous Irish. Tasty indeed. That light sprinkling of nutmeg on top combined with the orange gives it a nice 'nose' as you sip.
Happy St Patrick's Day guys xx
Loved this photo of the tilted sauna in Finland. Eerie and magical
I forgot. A bottle of Waterford Lakefield 1.1 is being delivered today. It is accompanied by a sample bottle of the Waterford Hook Head 1.1 (We already have 6 other Waterford releases. Didn't want to buy a full bottle of the Hook Head yet.)