Jerry Lee Lewis (1935-2022) was a rock n' roll singer and pianist who rose to fame in the 50s with his various Sun Records hits. His skills on the piano left teens of the day Breathless, and he received controversy for marrying his 13 year old cousin. He was the Last Man Standing of the 'Million Dollar Quartet', a photo shoot consisting of Lewis aswell as Elvis Presly, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash. After the incestuous controversy, Lewis quit Rockin' his Life Away and moved over to recording country music for a while, where he found mild success. Eventually Lewis embraced his roots and used his Crazy Arms to bring us some fine rock and roll records from the late 70s until he reached the End Of The Road on October 28th, 2022. Baby Baby Bye Bye!

The family thought Jimmy Lee Swaggart would be the rock ‘n roller and that his cousin, Jerry Lee Lewis, would be the holy roller.