What a complete and utter twat!....A total hypocrite...an absolute idiot.
Talk about double standards....."Do as I say and not as I do"....Shame on you, Calderwood!

Here she is, visiting her second-home, for the second time in the last ten days, full family in tow, happily flouting her own, and her governments strict advice and guidance, in which she has played a major part in delivering to the general public, as if she doesn't have a care in the world.
She's been seen alongside Nicola Sturgeon a lot in the last couple of weeks on Scottish national TV, hammering home the message about staying at home and avoiding all unnecessary travel of any kind, including to second homes (for any high-flyers that might have a few extra homes knocking about), and is even the face/voice of a national public information film driving home the same message.
Quite unbelievable...one of those things that makes your blood boil really, especially as the vast majority of ordinary decent people seem to be adhering to this crucial advice and exercising common sense and restraint i.e. following the rules, and staying at home!
It would appear Sturgeon is standing by her, deflecting the flack, and letting her keep her position (i.e. looking after their own), albeit from probably much more of a backroom position from now on..(at least until all the fuss 'blows over'.)
FFS, if you can't lead by example in times like these...her hypocritical and dangerous behaviour and flagrant flouting of the rules, twice!, should not be tolerated by anyone in these current times and I think she should go.
Well, just as I'm about to post this, I can hear on 'News at 10' that Calderwood has in fact resigned her position.
Wonder if she would have done so had she not been caught on camera??...yeah, right.
if you could take your family miles away from others to get away from the herd... wouldn't you. Self isolating in the back end of nowhere is the best thing you can do. saying this another way... Stay put and let the government decide when you get it owing to the governments demographic engineering...
It was careless of her to have done that and I’ve been reading up on her and the situation since you posted this, Tourist. Gotta wonder if such people over here in the US are under the same sort of scrutiny. Maybe they are? YouTube recommended a news segment I think either from Channel 4 or BBC some days back that I meant to watch about Scotland’s NHS having success regarding the corona or something optimistic along those lines.