To hear Bowie talk about Taylor as an inspiration is quiet something. But the reason I bring this up is that there is a musical piece of Vince speaking that reminds me of a taylored (tailored?) down Be Bop Deluxe song. Observatory is the key word. All guesses are final.
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Actually, the lyric in 'Futurist Manifesto' is "Observatory gardens sing yes no more..." The lyric was created by using a variation on William Burroughs' 'cut up' technique. Instead of physically cutting words and phrases from magazines and scrambling them up, I used a dice throw method to choose words and phrases from a copy of 'Country Life' magazine that was lying around the studio. If I threw a six, for instance, I would write down the sixth word in a given sentence, or maybe the first word in the sixth line, and so on. When I'd accumulated enough words I'd then play around with their order to create the final lyric. It produced some nice surprises and almost seemed like an actual narrative.
I would agree with you there. And Vince wasn't even a good Elvis remake. But at the end of this video there was a haunting musical piece with Vince speaking and it was probably the best thing to come from him -- apart from his Cadillac song, if he even wrote it. It's almost like the album of Jim Morrison narrating his poetry with the Doors providing the backdrop music. But not even that. Anyway, it struck me in an usual way, with the word "observatory" reminding me of the Futurist Manifesto. I think the line is "Observatories sing yes" and I also wonder if yes is the band Yes or John Lennon seeing the word "yes" in Yoko Ono's art? Art creeps in the weirdest spots, almost no accounting for it and whether there is a bigger truth behind art... is anybodies guess. As you say, "believe these illusions at your peril."
I don't know...but I see these glorifications of past rockers as something of an untrue fairy tale, manufactured and embellished to create a product of some kind. It seems that people need some idolatry to fill a lack in their own lives. And whilst some of these artists have a great contribution to offer the world, they are still just ordinary people with a gift for guitars or other expressions in their lives, and those lives are not always interesting or 'great.' Profundity? Look elsewhere..Believe these illusions at your own peril....
The musical piece I'm referring to is at the end of the video. Bowie is at the beginning and at the end.