I can't be the only noticing the resurgence in vinyl sales. I believe they overtook CD sales last year for the first time in eons.
My lad got a new amp, speakers and turntable for Christmas and his interest in vinyl has reignited my own. I have always preferred physical product over downloads and streaming and enjoying even more time with my lad sifting through record stores has alerted me more to the "Record Store Day" movement and special releases.
To cut to the chase, and i don't know the economics of short run vinyl printing, but I wondered how viable it might be for Bill to release a special record? Maybe a 4 or 6 track EP on a 12" or, to really stand out, a 10" record.
Just a thought. Maybe too costly but I notice new vinyl releases tend to be priced circa £25 to £30 and some seem to be short volume runs of maybe 1,000 copies.
Mine is on pre-order. As I switched back to vinyl exclusively a couple of years ago I only hope the rest of the BeBop Deluxe catalog will follow.
This week I have just got my old turntable (Walker CJ55) set up once again after a looooong pause (about 15 years). New Ortofon cartridge and a Cambridge Audio pre-amp, and it's a very pleasing sound. The ritual of cleaning the disc, placing the arm and dropping the needle in the (approximately...) right place is very relaxing. Although I won't be going away from buying CDs and downloads.
Anyhow, further joy when a friend sent a link to Cherry Red who are releasing a new pressing of Sunburst Finish in April. Cherry (Red) on the cake... 😎