How would you rank the Be Bop Deluxe albums? Tell me in the replies below! :) Personally, I think I'd go 1. Modern Music😏 2. Futurama😊 3. Drastic Plastic😄 4. Sunburst Finish😀 5. Axe Victim🙂 P.S. You can throw in all of Bill's solo albums in your ranking too if you're feeling adventurous. And Sound-On-Sound of course! 😁😁😁
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As the question was 'rank Be Bop Deluxe'
Drastic Plastic
Axe Victim
Live! In the Air Age
Modern Music
Sunburst Finish
Sure, let's play along.
Futurist Manifesto 1974-1978
Be Bop Deluxe at the BBC 1974-1978
Holyground: The Works Bill Nelson Electrotype
Postcards from the Future
Bill Nelson The Practice of Everyday Life
I cannot even venture to rank the deluxe box sets of the individual albums. I have vinyl somewhere as well.
BBD had already put out 2 albums before they came stateside with Sunburst Finish. They were a great touring band. There are a few things that can be said about digital remastering.
I just hope that Bill earned some money from the above titles.
1. Modern Music
2. Drastic Plastic
3. Sunburst Finish
4. Axe Victim
5. Futurama
Just Be Bop on my list beause, as previously mentioned, Sound On Sound is Bill's magnum opus (though I'm sure he won't agree!!) and it sits as number 1 on all my album rankings.
Modern Music
Drastic Plastic
Sunburst Finish or Live In The Air Age
Axe Victim
Futurama or The Best & The Rest...
Must be the "classic rocker" in me, but I'm putting "Axe Victim" higher than most:
Sunburst Finish (because it was my first)
Axe Victim
Drastic Plastic
Modern Music
- Fantasmatron
- Drastic Plastic
- Live In The Air Age
- Modern Music
- Sunburst Finish
- Futurama
- Axe Victim
- Sund on Sound
ive never had a favourite ! i just love them all so much !
That's easy: in reverse order of release, ignoring the live album.Every one is an artistic step forward.
Modern Music
Sunburst Finish
Axe Victim
Drastic Plastic
The first 4 have a real feel of being 'complete' albums whereas DP is a mish-mash of unrelated styles and doesn't work for me.
Sound on Sound!!! 2. Modern Music 3.Sunburst Finish 4. Drastic Plastic 5. Futurama 6. Axe Victim
Not going to put in Bill's solo work. There's just too many to fit in ! But if I were to mention my favorite, Chimera. Put that between Futurama and Drastic Plastic