Just needed to point out a mistake I made in my journal entry of 27th October. I stated that the fantastic Esdiwood Airline Cornanado guita, generously donated by Mike Robinson of Eastwood Guitars and which I've now decorated, would be auctioned at the 'Old Haunts' launch party event. But, I got that wrong: It won't be auctioned, it will be a prize draw. Sorry for my mistake but if you're attending the event and purchase a prize draw ticket, you may be lucky enough to win this beauty when I draw the winning ticket 'out of the hat! ;

Would love to meet up on Friday night, but we've got tix to see June Tabor & Oyster Band in Manchester, a rare bonus treat! But Donna & I will be looking for you all on Saturday in Leeds, and hopefully I'll be leaving with that guitar- cheers! ~drew