I only hope that his so-called 'premiership' will be short lived, though I have my doubts.
Perhaps what this country needs to wake up is a direct encounter with the realities of a 'no deal' Brexit and ultimately, the stupidity of any kind of Brexit at all.
Brexit is the dumbest move the UK has made since putting Thatcher in power. Well. one way or another, here we are, and here we will go toward future chaos and a kind of anarchy. Vive the rebellion!
I only hope that his so-called 'premiership' will be short lived, though I have my doubts.
Perhaps what this country needs to wake up is a direct encounter with the realities of a 'no deal' Brexit and ultimately, the stupidity of any kind of Brexit at all.
Brexit is the dumbest move the UK has made since putting Thatcher in power. Well. one way or another, here we are, and here we will go toward future chaos and a kind of anarchy. Vive the rebellion!
God help the world...another one....Boris "Bozo" Johnson De Trump