I’m looking to get a few albums from Bill’s Bandcamp page, but there’s so much I’m not sure where to start. I’ve asked elsewhere and the three that seem to be the most universally well-regarded are The Alchemical Adventures of Sailor Bill, The Romance of Sustain, and Fancy Planets. Should I start there, or are there more essential albums to get first (again, specifically from the Bandcamp page)?
For context, I have all the Be Bop Deluxe albums plus Northern Dream, Sound On Sound, Quit Dreaming and Get On The Beam, The Love That Whirls, La Belle Et La Bête, Chimera, Vistamix, The Two-Fold Aspect of Everything, On A Blue Wing, and Chance Encounters In The Garden of Lights. I’m interested in hearing albums that show off other sides of Bill’s music, but I’m
not opposed to albums that fans of the above would enjoy either.
Thanks in advance for your recommendations!
Thanks for the recommendations, everyone! So far I've purchased The Romance Of Sustain, The Alchemical Adventures Of Sailor Bill, Fancy Planets, and Transcorder: The Acquitted By Mirrors Recordings from the Bandcamp page and am enjoying all of them. Planning on getting a couple more this weekend once the paycheck hits my bank account.
(I also bought a download of Noise Candy on iTunes, which I know Bill is not a fan of—but in my defense, I had a $50 gift card and I needed to spend it on something!).
Return to Jazz of Lights.
The Last of the Neon Cynics - download the graphic novel as well.
Return to Tomorrow These Tapes Rewind: Volume One.
Simon, the three albums you mentioned definitely show several sides of Bill, and are three of my favorites. Also, Jon's list are all must-haves in my opinion. You really can't go wrong with Bill's music.
Welcome to Dreamsville, and happy listening. You better get started soon. There's lots to hear.😊
So many to choose from! One man’s meat is another man’s poison…but personal favourites (other than those already mentioned) are - The Last Lamplighter, Joy Through Amplification, Plaything, Stand By…Light Coming, Dazzlebox, Orpheus In Ultraland. To name a few off the top of my head. There are several tracks available to listen to on Bandcamp from each album, which should give you a rough idea of what to expect. If you like physical CDs, get anything that is still available at Burning Shed, because once they sell out, there won’t be any more copies pressed. Enjoy your new discoveries!