Is there any connection between the movie Dead Fall with Michael Cain and BBD. I see similarities that involve clothing, haircuts, guitar, seagulls, John Barry and Cocteau.
Pretty cool! Is there a volume pedal because I hear swells without the attack? Very mood-inducing sounds. How many presets come with it? You can spend forever diving into the sounds. The guy who is doing it sounds right on board with this kind of sound and the pedal. I'd like to hear your stuff with this pedal. Whale/alien was cool. I have the perfect title for your first album: Ambient Fortress.
On the first Zeppelin album, Page claimed it was his. I learned it, and it's a cool instrumental that sounds to my ear more like a middle-eastern piece with tabla. Steve Tibbetts does it on an album of his, but I couldn't find it on the net. I did find this that he was doing that was cool.
Yeah, I like how he's got samples that he can trigger with the acoustic guitar. I might try something like that if I can figure out how to do it. Maybe a midi bridge or pickup… I don't know, but I like the sound he gets.
I agree that nobody should want war... batshit crazy is right. But the neocons want to make money on war, and they left a ton of equipment in Afghanistan. It's incompetence and insanity combined. I think Joe does two things really well: 1) lie 2) really SCREW UP. I almost think his dementia is a lie too, that he is faking his gaffs to get the sympathy vote. He can read the script pretty well at times, for hours on end. So I wouldn't put it past him. His whole family are grifters and now the press is actually believing that he made money off of China, and it was corroborated by Hunter's laptop. Who would replace him? It could Obama pulling the strings or Susan Rice. It might be Michelle Obama that replaces him.
I really like that sound and playing. France meets Ireland. Reminds of the guy that Jimmy Page stole Black Mountain Slide from.That piece is in DADGAD too. If you do your modes on a single string I would try the tuning and go up and down that G string making melodies. Just wack everything as you're going up and down, and it will sound great. Here is a rough sample:
Yeah, Trump actually got peace between The Arab states (the Emirates) and Israel, but you would never hear that on the legacy news. And for that alone he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize which, again, nobody knows about. One of the biggest problems is that the legacy news can't be trusted. And I'm amazed that Hunter's laptop is finally known. The media shut that story down before the election. I think the laptop is being revealed only now because certain people in the Democrat party want Biden out. He is totally compromised by that.
Exactly, take what you can get… a gift from the muse. Noodling can bring out wonderful stuff. And tuning the guitar to a chord or a near chord is cool for improvising. I tune the low E to a D then I almost have a chord. I'll also tune the B down to an A and the high E down to a D. With that tuning of DADGAD I will play up and down the G string and create a melody while the other strings are ringing out. It sounds like a middle eastern drone, almost like Led Zeppelin. It's good for free form to come up with whatever strikes you.
Well, we don't deserve to inherit the earth by being buried 6 ft. deep. That's not my way of deserving anything. Years ago men dressing up as women would be a comedy -- I can think of Brutus doing it in a Popeye cartoon or the movie Some Like it Hot -- but now we're told to blindly accept it in sports as real, and it's not fair to the women. How can they justify it? There is still a science called biology that tells us about the physical difference between men and women. Sex is not just a mental construct where one day we can say: "Oh, I think I'm a woman today. My pronoun will be "The Queen of England." That is madness, but people will blindly go along with it, especially students who get pushed by this crap in college. And they go along with it because they (or their parents) have spent thousands of dollars to get an education... which basically means ape their woke professors, virtue signal for extra marks, learn all the jargon, learn how to act woke, and be a part of the elite. It's sickening, but the university is the bastion of all this fashionable nonsense.
Kick Bill's videos out? That's funny. I don't know if it's just me or the times, but this forum seems dead at times. People are getting old and some have no doubt moved on or have passed away. Others have other things more pressing but, with COVID and being pent up with lockdowns, I thought it would be bustling a bit more. Bill keeps plugging out his music like no tomorrow. I think he is having a competition with God on who can be the most creative. I know my creativity has gone down a bit with age. I'm putting out demos of older stuff that I thought I'd return to and polish up. But now I'm just happy to make videos of these relics. The classical guitar piece Aristocrats was a recent creation because a friend of mine sent me a video on speed picking that talks about Yngwie Malmsteen. So I got inspired and actually wrote a piece. It's the first for a long time. Are you doing any music? I like your gem rings I've seen on FB and the fractal pictures. I think your kitty obsession is cool. Photoshop is real art. I was photoshopping pictures using the Queen of England and had a picture of her with BBD and Roxy Music. Bill didn't especially see the humor in it. Oh, well. I thought it was hilarious. Now I'm getting into GIFFS as material for videos. But overall it's harder when you get older.
@sheltech Well, I am a Trump fan and despite his raucous personality, which many people disliked, he did a lot of good things for the country and kept his election promises. I'm glad your motivation is back. It's easy to get frustrate. With me, I am generally never satisfied with what I put out. I always promise myself to go back to the piece and polish it up or fix this or that. In the Aristocrats piece the guitar sound sucked in parts of it, and I was using the fleshy parts of my fingers. I kept hearing a bonk sound and tried to correct it. It didn't matter what I did… I can still hear it, and it bugs me. We can get so critical. I know somebody who doesn't even start because he critiques his stuff to death -- it becomes a dead born baby. I like your stuff, especially that whale/alien one. We should give ourselves tender mercies. Creating can be hard and frustrating work. And if your mind just goes to the parts you don't like, that's not good. A lot of times people don't see a work the way we see our own work. So you got to be forgiving of yourself and see the bigger picture. It's like Leonardo Di Vinci looking at the Mona Lisa and seeing all his mistakes. That's a bad way to be. John Lennon did the same thing and called his work garbage. I think it becomes a bad habit, and you got to train yourself not to be like that.
One last insane point to this insane world: 1) Math is racist. To get the right answer in math is white male racism. People don't believe that such an absurdity can exist. Again, I kid you not... because what passed as comedy years ago is now a deadly serious study in the academy. But what gets me is that there is an agenda to all of this. For example, if somebody is not sure of their sexual orientation they will push him to be gay or trans or whatever. They won't say take your time to figure it out. There is no neutrality but a political/progressive agenda to most of the social causes. I predict it will be a very ugly world we will soon be inhabiting. And I am grateful to have lived in the time I have lived because the future seems very grim for kids.
Yes, indeed. Let me count the ways: 1) biological men can now be women and compete in women's sports; 2) defund the police, which means if you are being robbed call 911 for a social worker to come over and help you out; 3) men can have babies; 4) All white males are racists; 4) Blacks can never be racist; 5) The America army is trained in gender identity; 6) It's okay for hookers in drag to read fairy tales stories to children; 7) Children are being introduced to sex in kindergarten with gender and gender fluidity and if they have any doubt about themselves they can be operated on and have their sex changed despite the approval of their parents; 8) Sex is a mental construct which you can change at anything and acquire new pronouns.
Oh God, yes, it doesn't end. This generation of teen sex change experimentation is like the hippie generation experimenting with acid. With acid, you never had to worry about having your balls replaced with something else... which, in itself, would be like a freak-out trip! And with psychedelics, you can come down, and it's not permanent like a sex change. Anyway, the world is upside down and nonsense and insanity are being passed around like pearls of wisdom.
I believe part of my Neil Young voice is the fact that I'm from Ontario. ("There's a place in Ontario" from Helpless) It's like a Yorkshire accent would be common to Yorkshire men. I don't know why Neil Young was mentioned in this video? It doesn't seem like a Neil Young song. I once had a dream of Bill and Neil at our local fair, and they were both hippies wearing fringed jackets. Why I had that dream I'll never know. It's odd that you see a clown in that video because I likened Neil to a clown with his anti-free speech antics.
I know Bill has done Neil Young's Helpless with YMO. Bill is a clean player. I wish I could find a video of him doing that song. This is me with my Neil Young clone band Hurricane doing Cinnamon Girl. Neil can be like a herd of elephants on psychoactive mushrooms hearing the telekinetic call of aliens and whales while waiting for the walls to collapse with Les Paul feedback and distortion. Merciless dirt. I was in disguise acting like a normal human being musician rather than Count Vlad.
You know we are seriously getting off the topic of Bill and his work unless you want to make a comparison between Bill's work and Twilight Zone. I think there could be a comparison. The older Twilight Zone was like BBD. That had a limited run. Then you had Night Gallery which was like Bill doing projects with other people (YMO, Channel Light Vessel, etc.). And then the return of Twilight Zone without Rod Serling would be the clone BBD band Sunburst Finish without Bill. The disastrous movie Twilight Zone with the death of Vic Morrow (who used to play the Sargent Sanders on the TV show Combat) could mean the terrible time Bill had in the 80s with the loss of his record company, etc.
If you are comparing the innovation of Twilight Zone to the innovation in Bill's music, I think there could be a reasonable comparison. To be fair, I more partial to BBD than Bill's later works. I think it has something to do with psychology and drug addiction. When we first listen to a piece of music that we like, we get an outburst of natural drugs going through our system. There is dopamine, serotonin, etc. that produce a high. We then associate that artist for giving us that initial high, and we will continue to buy his records in hopes of more music that produces this high. It's like an addict's brain. So with me, BBD was my initial high. The later Bill stuff is good but not quite what I'm looking for. That's because I'm looking for something along the lines of BBD. The non-BBD experience is never quite pure, or it's like a drug cut with other substances. In other words, BBD was my first love, my first pure high with that kind of music. As an addict you wait for that to happen again, there is the promise that it might come again. You keep buying albums in hopes of that fix. I've bought tons of Bill's catalog and as I said, it's good stuff but never quite what I'm looking for. So for that reason, I am biased.
It is easy to become disappointed if a band does not come through with the same type of music that gives you the initial buzz. I liked the early Eagles but found their last record a disappointment. They tried to be like their other work (they weren't Bowie being different with every album), but they didn't create a buzz that I was looking for. Maybe it was mediocre writing -- just lukewarm filler. It certainly was not like what they have done. I gave the album away.
The connective tissues, the continuity of the universe all suggest a Creator, a God if you will. On a scientific level there is plenty of evidence for a Creator: 1) The Big Bang Theory suggests a Creator or a First Cause; 2) The universe is too young to produce a high degree of order and complexity (the “continuity” that you speak) to arise through randomness and accident. Therefore, there must be an order giver or Creator; 3) The fact that if the forces that bind the universe (the “connective tissue”) were off by an infinitesimal degree life would not exist. This suggests a designer or Creator because the chance of randomly winning the “life exists” lottery for this planet is astronomically small, practically zero. And yet here we are. So science, the default position of modern thinking, is screaming that there is evidence for a God or Creator and, at the very least, that we should resurrect the God hypothesis.
Yeah, I used the Crystal Elevator in the Palace of God piece in the Stairway to Heaven song I did. I decided to redo it with Vlad singing, and it was complex to figure out. It uses 3/4 time though you would never dream that was the case. I inserted it into the mishmash of the talking radio intro that I had taken from a BBD song.
Anyway, this is why I thought I saw a BBD vibe in this movie. Maybe this movie was prescient. Bryan Forbes did do League Of Gentlemen. But this is an entirely different league.
Check out the movie. You get to see John Barry conduct a guitar concerto, the young lover of a thief looks like Bill circa 1976 with the suit and haircut. Filmed in Southern Spain with a Cocteau vibe. There is a seagull that crashes into a mirror (Sister Seagull?). Totally unexpected clues. I remember Bill mentioning he liked John Barry and wonder if it was because of this movie.
Pretty cool! Is there a volume pedal because I hear swells without the attack? Very mood-inducing sounds. How many presets come with it? You can spend forever diving into the sounds. The guy who is doing it sounds right on board with this kind of sound and the pedal. I'd like to hear your stuff with this pedal. Whale/alien was cool. I have the perfect title for your first album: Ambient Fortress.
On the first Zeppelin album, Page claimed it was his. I learned it, and it's a cool instrumental that sounds to my ear more like a middle-eastern piece with tabla. Steve Tibbetts does it on an album of his, but I couldn't find it on the net. I did find this that he was doing that was cool.
I agree that nobody should want war... batshit crazy is right. But the neocons want to make money on war, and they left a ton of equipment in Afghanistan. It's incompetence and insanity combined. I think Joe does two things really well: 1) lie 2) really SCREW UP. I almost think his dementia is a lie too, that he is faking his gaffs to get the sympathy vote. He can read the script pretty well at times, for hours on end. So I wouldn't put it past him. His whole family are grifters and now the press is actually believing that he made money off of China, and it was corroborated by Hunter's laptop. Who would replace him? It could Obama pulling the strings or Susan Rice. It might be Michelle Obama that replaces him.
I really like that sound and playing. France meets Ireland. Reminds of the guy that Jimmy Page stole Black Mountain Slide from. That piece is in DADGAD too. If you do your modes on a single string I would try the tuning and go up and down that G string making melodies. Just wack everything as you're going up and down, and it will sound great. Here is a rough sample:
Yeah, Trump actually got peace between The Arab states (the Emirates) and Israel, but you would never hear that on the legacy news. And for that alone he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize which, again, nobody knows about. One of the biggest problems is that the legacy news can't be trusted. And I'm amazed that Hunter's laptop is finally known. The media shut that story down before the election. I think the laptop is being revealed only now because certain people in the Democrat party want Biden out. He is totally compromised by that.
Exactly, take what you can get… a gift from the muse. Noodling can bring out wonderful stuff. And tuning the guitar to a chord or a near chord is cool for improvising. I tune the low E to a D then I almost have a chord. I'll also tune the B down to an A and the high E down to a D. With that tuning of DADGAD I will play up and down the G string and create a melody while the other strings are ringing out. It sounds like a middle eastern drone, almost like Led Zeppelin. It's good for free form to come up with whatever strikes you.
Well, we don't deserve to inherit the earth by being buried 6 ft. deep. That's not my way of deserving anything. Years ago men dressing up as women would be a comedy -- I can think of Brutus doing it in a Popeye cartoon or the movie Some Like it Hot -- but now we're told to blindly accept it in sports as real, and it's not fair to the women. How can they justify it? There is still a science called biology that tells us about the physical difference between men and women. Sex is not just a mental construct where one day we can say: "Oh, I think I'm a woman today. My pronoun will be "The Queen of England." That is madness, but people will blindly go along with it, especially students who get pushed by this crap in college. And they go along with it because they (or their parents) have spent thousands of dollars to get an education... which basically means ape their woke professors, virtue signal for extra marks, learn all the jargon, learn how to act woke, and be a part of the elite. It's sickening, but the university is the bastion of all this fashionable nonsense.
Kick Bill's videos out? That's funny. I don't know if it's just me or the times, but this forum seems dead at times. People are getting old and some have no doubt moved on or have passed away. Others have other things more pressing but, with COVID and being pent up with lockdowns, I thought it would be bustling a bit more. Bill keeps plugging out his music like no tomorrow. I think he is having a competition with God on who can be the most creative. I know my creativity has gone down a bit with age. I'm putting out demos of older stuff that I thought I'd return to and polish up. But now I'm just happy to make videos of these relics. The classical guitar piece Aristocrats was a recent creation because a friend of mine sent me a video on speed picking that talks about Yngwie Malmsteen. So I got inspired and actually wrote a piece. It's the first for a long time. Are you doing any music? I like your gem rings I've seen on FB and the fractal pictures. I think your kitty obsession is cool. Photoshop is real art. I was photoshopping pictures using the Queen of England and had a picture of her with BBD and Roxy Music. Bill didn't especially see the humor in it. Oh, well. I thought it was hilarious. Now I'm getting into GIFFS as material for videos. But overall it's harder when you get older.
One last insane point to this insane world: 1) Math is racist. To get the right answer in math is white male racism. People don't believe that such an absurdity can exist. Again, I kid you not... because what passed as comedy years ago is now a deadly serious study in the academy. But what gets me is that there is an agenda to all of this. For example, if somebody is not sure of their sexual orientation they will push him to be gay or trans or whatever. They won't say take your time to figure it out. There is no neutrality but a political/progressive agenda to most of the social causes. I predict it will be a very ugly world we will soon be inhabiting. And I am grateful to have lived in the time I have lived because the future seems very grim for kids.
Yes, indeed. Let me count the ways: 1) biological men can now be women and compete in women's sports; 2) defund the police, which means if you are being robbed call 911 for a social worker to come over and help you out; 3) men can have babies; 4) All white males are racists; 4) Blacks can never be racist; 5) The America army is trained in gender identity; 6) It's okay for hookers in drag to read fairy tales stories to children; 7) Children are being introduced to sex in kindergarten with gender and gender fluidity and if they have any doubt about themselves they can be operated on and have their sex changed despite the approval of their parents; 8) Sex is a mental construct which you can change at anything and acquire new pronouns.
Oh God, yes, it doesn't end. This generation of teen sex change experimentation is like the hippie generation experimenting with acid. With acid, you never had to worry about having your balls replaced with something else... which, in itself, would be like a freak-out trip! And with psychedelics, you can come down, and it's not permanent like a sex change. Anyway, the world is upside down and nonsense and insanity are being passed around like pearls of wisdom.
I believe part of my Neil Young voice is the fact that I'm from Ontario. ("There's a place in Ontario" from Helpless) It's like a Yorkshire accent would be common to Yorkshire men. I don't know why Neil Young was mentioned in this video? It doesn't seem like a Neil Young song. I once had a dream of Bill and Neil at our local fair, and they were both hippies wearing fringed jackets. Why I had that dream I'll never know. It's odd that you see a clown in that video because I likened Neil to a clown with his anti-free speech antics.
I know Bill has done Neil Young's Helpless with YMO. Bill is a clean player. I wish I could find a video of him doing that song. This is me with my Neil Young clone band Hurricane doing Cinnamon Girl. Neil can be like a herd of elephants on psychoactive mushrooms hearing the telekinetic call of aliens and whales while waiting for the walls to collapse with Les Paul feedback and distortion. Merciless dirt. I was in disguise acting like a normal human being musician rather than Count Vlad.
That's the way it has to be.
The connective tissues, the continuity of the universe all suggest a Creator, a God if you will. On a scientific level there is plenty of evidence for a Creator: 1) The Big Bang Theory suggests a Creator or a First Cause; 2) The universe is too young to produce a high degree of order and complexity (the “continuity” that you speak) to arise through randomness and accident. Therefore, there must be an order giver or Creator; 3) The fact that if the forces that bind the universe (the “connective tissue”) were off by an infinitesimal degree life would not exist. This suggests a designer or Creator because the chance of randomly winning the “life exists” lottery for this planet is astronomically small, practically zero. And yet here we are. So science, the default position of modern thinking, is screaming that there is evidence for a God or Creator and, at the very least, that we should resurrect the God hypothesis.
Yeah, I used the Crystal Elevator in the Palace of God piece in the Stairway to Heaven song I did. I decided to redo it with Vlad singing, and it was complex to figure out. It uses 3/4 time though you would never dream that was the case. I inserted it into the mishmash of the talking radio intro that I had taken from a BBD song.
Not the greatest movie. If anybody wants to watch it, it's on Youtube. Make of it what you will:
A response…. extraordinary!
Wonderful stuff......the ' idiot' thing is working really well here.....
Tiresome per usual......
Thanks, Shelteck. I'm surprised nobody has an opinion. In other words, I'm Shocked... Shocked I say.
This is what I'm seeing:
Anyway, this is why I thought I saw a BBD vibe in this movie. Maybe this movie was prescient. Bryan Forbes did do League Of Gentlemen. But this is an entirely different league.
U on the sherry again vlad ?